
The 4E framework is an approach to e-learning activity that seeks to focus on the benefits of using technology in learning & teaching.

“Transformation is more about the human and organizational aspects of teaching and learning than it is about the use of technology”

Laurillard, D. (2007). Introduction. In Beetham et al. Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age Designing for 21st Century Learning. New York: Routledge, 2013. N. pag. Print.

The purpose of the framework is to humanise the use of technology and to begin to seek to establish the use of technology as a solution to a task or problem rather than a “must have” activity.

The framework is based on four E’s (see below for more detail). Each one communicating what technology is doing for the learner/teacher and/or learning experience.

In discussions with staff & students we use these terms to ask questions about technology and how we use it.

The 4 E’s are: Enable, Enhance, Enrich & Empower and these can be attributed to questioning the use of e-learning in the following ways:

  • What can technology “enable” us to do?
  • How can technology “enhance” what we already do?
  • How can technology “enrich” our learning experiences?
  • How can technology “empower” learners & teachers?

This is not about using technology for technology sake, but is about identifying the need/benefit of using a technology and ensuring it’s effective and efficient use, with the associated support systems to help staff & students build confidence in their use.

The 4E framework is inspired by the ethos of Laurillard’s Conversational Framework and the work of Kubler-Ross in the development of the “Change Curve” and my attempts to overcome it!

The concept is credited to the 3E Framework developed at Edinburgh Napier University.